I have climbed a 14 thousand foot peak, cross country skied upon the continental divide by the light of the full moon, camped in the snow, paddled whitewater rapids, hiked down into the Grand Canyon, lived in a tipi, ridden horseback in the high country, ridden waves in Hawaii, and watched molten lava flow to the sea in the dark of night...

...surveyed across the high desert of the Southwest, worked in the oil fields, built barns for llamas, cooked for a Swiss Chef, taught school on the edge of the Navajo Nation, worked at a ski area, planted trees near timberline, was an adjunct college professor, counseled the dying, the homeless, and convicted felons, coached self-made multi-millionaires, CEO's, entrepreneurs, surgeons, dentists, nurses, chiropractors, holistic health practitioners, IT professionals, engineers, pilots, performing, recording and fine artists, independent filmmakers, TV producers, publishers, resort owners, clergy, attorneys, magistrates, and Wall Street traders...

...have been published in magazines, college textbooks, and anthologies, recorded a musical cd, spoken as a guest on radio, built my own contracting business, launched and ran two private practices in Psychotherapy, studied bodywork and energy work...

...danced with Sufis, sat with Quakers, drummed from sunset til sunrise with a shaman, partook in sweat lodge ceremonies with the Southern Ute Tribe, did all night ceremony with a Navajo Medicine Man, meditated with Buddhists, did Puja and prayer with Hindus, praised and sang Gospel with Baptist Brothers and Sisters...

...have been hypothermic, almost drowned, and had my house burn down...

...saw eagles, fox, coyotes, elk, rattle snake, bear and whales up close...

...found an exotic tropical bird perched on my screen door one day...

...been married and divorced, had my heart broken, broke the heart of another,
have felt both lonely and loved-up, both abundant and penniless...

... walked through cancer and chemo...

... lived to tell the story and feel graced to be able to guide those committed
to their next level of passionate living and loving.

Life is good!



Bill McDonald CPC